"Truly a mosque founded upon taqwā from the first day is worthier of you standing therein. Therein are men [and women] who love to purify themselves, and God loves those who purify themselves."
- The Qurʾān, 9:108
Our Vision
A community of diverse believers united in servitude to God (Muslim) and committed to the holistic practice of Islam (Muslim), with the masjid serving as the nucleus of communal life. The rekindling of mutual understanding, love, and harmonious coexistence between our Abrahamic community and humanity as a whole.
Our Mission
To nourish a community of pious, educated, socially conscious, and active Muslims living in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area by providing the commensurate religious, educational, and social services; to connect people of diverse backgrounds, life experiences, and faith traditions with the purpose of engaging in constructive and hospitable dialogue, productive action for the betterment of society, and the accentuation of our collective humanity.
Our Core Values
Servitude to God | ʿibāda
"I did not create jinn and mankind, save to worship Me." (51:56)
Our purposeful creation is defined by our relationship with and proximity to God. Servitude is due to God alone; it is by virtue of this servitude that we attain true freedom from the
Devotion | ikhlāṣ
"So worship Allah, putting exclusive faith in Him." (39:2)
The determining factor in thought and action is God, transcending all competing worldviews, socio-political, economic, and philosophical ideologies.
Holistic Development | taqwā
"O you who believe! Reverence God as He should be reverenced." (3:102)
The embodiment of Islam is more than just a handful of rituals to be performed seasonally; rather it encompasses all facets of human life.
Community | ummah
"Truly this community of yours is one community." (21:92)
True membership in a community entails a commitment to being intentionally involved with others in accountable, encouraging relationships. We are invested in the holistic growth, physical-mental-spiritual well-being, and success of our community members through the sharing of ideas, resources, and strengthening of families.
Diversity | tanawwu’
"O mankind! Truly We created you from a male and a female, and We made you peoples and tribes that you may come to know one another." (49:13)
Age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, language are sources through which we gain a deeper appreciation for the reality of our collective humanity and our shared human condition. They are not intended to divide us or be used to discriminate against each other.
Acceptance | takrīm
"Certainly We have honored the Children of Adam." (2:148)
Only God is perfect - we are all works in progress. Acceptance entails not only the recognition that we are all at different levels on the journey towards God, but also the acceptance of the invitation towards transformation and positive change. God loves us all, yet He challenges us to constantly strive towards betterment.
Service | khidma
"So vie with one another in good deeds." (2:148)
We believe that every individual has been entrusted with a special gift from God. As such, we believe it should be employed in serving others and for the betterment of society. By encouraging and identifying giftedness, we collectively train, equip, and collaborate in service to others, especially the needy, forgotten, marginalized, and downtrodden.